What’s Best For You; A New Home or An Old Home?

Buying a new home or an old home do come with merits and demerits for both instances, albeit there are some vital things to consider when opting for either a new home or an old home. The debate here is, what’s best for you; A new home or an Old home?

Prospective home buyers looking at areas where new neighbourhoods are being developed have a decision to make that’s affected by price, availability, features, and style: Do I buy a new building or a resaleproperty? Here are some thinking points when you’re considering which to buy:

New building

Purchasing a pre-construction house unit gives buyers a chance to personalize it to their needs and their style. The buyer can select layout, finishes, and fixtures.

The downsides…

A new subdivision will likely still be a construction zone when owners move in. Personality may be lacking, both outside and indoors; a resale home often has unique features that add warmth and style, whereas a new building may feel austere. And then there’s the waiting game, buyers may have to wait for some time before the building is finally ready for occupation.

Resale home

A house that has been previously occupied has two advantages that new buildings or houses find it hard to compete with: location and charm. The neighborhood is likely more developed; there will be mature greenery, a sense of community and culture, and an absence of the dirt, dust, and noise that accompany a new-building site. A resale home may also have unique features that make it feel special for the right buyer.

However, a resale home may also be dated and require costly repairs and renovations to make it suitable for a new owner. Because it wasn’t built with the latest materials and practices, it also may be less efficient.

New or old-both have their advantages. But make it all about you and your family, and your decision will be the right one.


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